What type of saver are you?
Are you a savvy saver or a silly one? Answer this quick quiz to find out!
1. Every week I...
A) Put a set amount of money aside into a savings account
B) See what I have left at the end of the week and put some into savings
C) Don't have any money left over to save
D) Just can't help myself - I spend!
2. When I have money to spend I...
A) Draw up a budget to see how much I can afford to spend and save
B) Look for sales and discounts before spending
C) Consider saving some then decide against it
D) Really don't know where the money goes
3. What I think about saving...
A) I love watching my money grow
B) I like it but would prefer to spend at the same time
C) I find it hard to stay motivated
D) I hate saving, it's too hard to stay on track
4. I think savings are important for...
A) Planning for the future
B) Covering unexpected costs
C) Helping me buy the things I need
D) Buying lollies and toys
Mostly As = Super Savy Saver
Mostly Bs = Strong Saver
Mostly Cs = Sidetracked Saver
Mostly Ds = Silly Saver