Finalise your documents
The key forms you’ll need to complete and submit before you deploy include:
- ADF Emergency Contact Details: To make sure your emergency contact and next of kin details are accurate.
- Application for Recognition of an Interdependent Partnership: To have your partner and dependants formally recognised by the Defence Forces.
- National Welfare Coordination Centre Family Registration: To allow the National Welfare Coordination Centre access to your information in an emergency.

Register your family
Your family can access a range of support during your deployment. The Defence Community Organisation provide regular deployment support calls, 24-hour advice
and referrals, social work, and help with emergency and crisis.
They also offer special assistance for children dealing with parental absence.
Your unit is also there to help and will run programs of support for you and your family.
You can register your family for regular deployment support by contacting the
Defence Family Hotline on 1800 624 608.
Learn more about family support

Consider legal advice and insurance
Making a will doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive; you can get advice from a Defence Legal Officer or you may even consider giving Power of Attorney to a relative or close friend.
If you haven’t thought about insurance, at Australian Military Bank we have a range of insurance cover that not only provides reliable financial protection, but also offer you affordable premiums. As well as loan and mortgage protection, we also offer car insurance, home and contents insurance and barracks insurance.
Learn more about insurance

Organise your money
Australian Military Bank offers a competitive foreign exchange service for cash you wish to take with you. You may find, however that it’s safer and easier to use a credit card while you’re away*.
Learn more about our Low Rate Visa Credit Card

Helping your family
While you’re away, someone else in your family is going to have to cover off all the tasks you usually manage. To make this easier, we recommend you:
- Show the family where you keep important financial records, warranties, insurance documents and passports
- Demonstrate some simple maintenance tasks or leave your family with a list of reliable tradespeople whom they can contact if they need help
- Set up automatic payments to cover utilities and any other regular outgoings
- Take time to understand your Defence superannuation and compensation scheme in case of an accident, injury or death
- Check your insurance policies for validity of cover in a ‘war zone’ or ‘warlike conditions’ or similar
Ensuring you have all these tasks organised before you leave will help keep things running smoothly for your family and give you some peace of mind while you’re deployed.
Download the Defence Force Support booklet

Get emotional support
There’s no denying that having a loved one deployed can be tough on your family.
Make sure you let your family know about the all-hours Defence Family Helpline on
1800 624 608.
It’s staffed by qualified human services professionals, including psychologists and social workers who can help with short-term confidential casework and counselling.