CEO Message AGM 2020
As the COVID-19 battle goes on across our states and territories we have continued to focus on zero disruption to member services wherever possible. Critical to this has been support for our members and staff in Victoria who have been in a prolonged state of lockdown. We have made enhancements to our call centre processes to support better member service and we continue to progress opportunities to improve our Online service and support with enhanced cross-skilling for faster service.
As our Chair has stated, due to COVID-19 our 61st Annual General Meeting will be held virtually to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our members. Even though it will be virtual, I look forward to my first AGM with Australian Military Bank. We are currently developing our member strategy, which combined with your input will help us to operate in a more member-centric way. Our strategy is focused on our Members, Partners and People to ensure we are fit for the future and support our members and ensure the Bank is reliable, trusted, and easy to do business with. Hearing your ideas and thoughts are particularly important to us in shaping the future of the Bank.
To hear about our results and to hear more about our approach to developing our member strategy over the next 12 months and vote on matters of the Bank, please participate in our virtually accessible Annual General Meeting by:
- lodging your direct vote online or appointing a proxy to vote on your behalf, via the online platform;
- submitting your questions online prior to the meeting; and,
- joining the live audiocast, which allows you to ask questions and vote during the meeting.
For more information on the AGM including how to join the meeting, participate and vote by proxy, please visit australianmilitarybank.com.au/agm2020.
Darlene Mattiske-Wood