Welcome to the October issue of Communiqué
Our 61st Annual General Meeting (AGM) will provide members with the opportunity to hear about our progress and plans regarding Australian Military Bank. The health and wellbeing of our members is paramount, so like many other organisations our 2020 AGM will be held virtually.
On behalf of the Bank, I would like to extend my thanks to the over three thousand Defence Force personnel who have been deployed as part of Operation COVID-19 Assist, in roles that range from strategic management through to community support.
At the start of 2019, we implemented the Voice of the Member (VoM) program to gain insight from our members on the service they experience. I am pleased to announce that this quarter our measure for delivering positive experiences based on member feedback has shown an improvement of over 50% compared to June 2020. Thank you to all our members who have participated in this program, we appreciate your feedback.
In this issue, we showcase how RSL DefenceCare is always there helping Australian veterans and their families in times of injury, illness, or crisis. RSL DefenceCare is part of Australian Military Bank’s ‘cents gifting’ program, which has seen over $210,000 donated to Defence charity partners since 2015. This program is available with the Bank’s Military Reward Account, which sees us match our members contributions to select charities through a monthly ‘round-up’ feature.
With Remembrance Day next month, we will be standing up for a moments silence on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month to honour the fallen Australian Defence Force personnel. We commemorate their sacrifices and bravery protecting our great nation, we will always remember them.
Finally, on behalf of the Board, I would like to extend my gratitude to all our members for their ongoing business with Australian Military Bank.
John Brooks
Read full edition here or read the individual stories below: